Safeguarding: OVERVIEW
All staff at the Academies are Level 2 Safeguarding trained. This training is at the start of the Academic year and then provided once per term so any new staff or those returning from leave receive it. The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Deputy DSLs are Level 3 trained.
A copy of our Safeguarding Policy can be found in the policies section of the website.
- DSL: Angelina Parker
- Deputy DSL: Gavin Darwin and Dan Brown
- Anti-Bullying Champion: Warren Doyle
Parents, contract workers and students can report safeguarding concerns directly to the DSL, Deputy DSLs and Safeguarding Team via
Staff use CPOMS to report safeguarding concerns which is monitored daily by the DSL, Deputy DSLs and Safeguarding Team.The DSL is also the PREVENT lead. Angelina Parker or Gavin Darwin are the main point of contact for Looked After Children.
Parents & Carers can find out more about Keeping Children safe by visiting the Pan Dorset Safeguarding Children Partnership. Subscribing to the PDSCP emailing list will keep you updated and informed of both local and national developments as well as providing tips and ideas on keeping children safe.
If you feel your child would benefit from emotional health provision please contact the appropriate Head of Year in the first instance. They will then work with you to suggest the most suitable support and provision available.
Regular updates about changes to safeguarding policies and procedures can be found at:
If you have serious concerns because you think that a child might be being abused (physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse or neglect) or at risk of radicalisation you should contact the Children’s First Response Hub:
T: 01202 123 334
If you live in Dorset you can call the Children’s Advice and Duty Service
T:01305 228866 / 228558
The latest copy of Keeping Children Safe in Education can be found here.
Safeguarding whilst the school is closed:
If you are concerned that a child is at immediate risk of significant harm please contact 999.
If you have a safeguarding concern about a child you can contact the school safeguarding email address at
For local authority support please contact Children’s Services on the numbers below.
If you live in Bournemouth, Christchurch or Poole you can call the First Response Hub:
T: 01202 123 334
If you live in Dorset you can call the Children’s Advice and Duty Service
T:01305 228866
If you need to speak to someone outside normal hours (9.00am to 5.00pm) please contact the Out of Hours Teams :
Bournemouth, Christchurch or Poole:
T:01202 738256
BCP adults’ out of hour service (Emergency Duty Service)
T:0300 123 9895
Dorset adults’ out of hours service
T:01305 858250